
*Note, any league-partnerships or COVID-informed changes supersede the default league rules below and will be emailed to teams in advance of the season starting.

  • MIA Footy leagues are open to any player over the age of 18 at the time of the season’s first game.

  • All players must be listed on the team roster to be eligible to take the field.

  • All players must sign a liability release waiver online prior to any form of participation in any MIA Footy program or event.

  • Individual players may only play on one team in each division.

  • Individual (free agent) players must register for skill appropriate leagues. If an individual player registers for a league incompatible with their skill level (e.g. a P2 player in a P4 league), the player may be removed without refund.

  • Teams must register for skill appropriate leagues. If a team registers for a league incompatible with their skill level (e.g. a P2 team in a P4 league), the team will remain in the league to prevent schedule disruption, but will be disqualified from playoffs.

  • During the regular season, if (and only if) a team shows up with less than the default player format (e.g. seven (7) players in our 7v7 leagues) but more than the number required to avoid forfeit (e.g. five (5) players in our 7v7 leagues), the team may pick up non-roster substitutes that provide up to one sub (e.g. up to three (3) players for a max of 8 players in our 7v7 leagues), if and only if the non-roster substitutes are registered players in the MIA Footy league and has signed a waiver.

  • In addition, non-roster substitutes cannot be recruited from higher divisions into lower divisions if they break our skill-restrictions. For instance, in a P5 division, no player above a P4 skill-level may be used as a sub. In a P4 division, no player above a P3 skill level may be used as a sub, etc.

  • MIA Footy operates on an honor system. If a team uses non-roster players to field a team, they notify the referee in advance. The opposing team may also appeal to the referee to confirm non-roster players are being used by their opponent. If the offending team uses non-roster players in a manner that does not abide by the above rules, the offending team must play without those players or lose by forfeit.

  • Roster changes are allowed for regular season games only. Any change requests after the kickoff of the last regular season game are prohibited.

  • Non-Roster substitutes are prohibited from playoff and championship games. No exceptions.

  • During playoff games, captains may request a roster check, but at the beginning of a playoff game only.


All games will be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game issued by FIFA through USSF and are available for viewing at https://www.ussoccer.com/referee-program/laws-of-the-game.

Modifications made in these by-laws supersede and/or supplement the Laws of the Game.


  • All players must wear shin guards.

  • On hard surfaces court (e.g. hardwood, gym courts) cleats are not allowed.

  • For 4v4, 5v5 and 6v6 format, when the ball goes out of bounds, the restart will be a kick-in. During the kick-in the ball must be kicked  at “below-the-waist” height. If the ball is kicked above the waist the ball possession will change to the opposing team that will restart with a kick-in from the same location.

  • For 4v4, 5v5, and 6v6 format, Goalkeepers must ensure the ball touches the ground before the halfway line with throws, goal kicks, or punts. If this rule is violated, the opposing team receives possession from the midfield sideline. 


Participation in MIA Footy is in accordance with our Ted Lasso Code of Conduct, which can be found here: https://www.miafooty.com/ted-lasso-code-of-conduct.


  • Depending on the league, a full playing team can be five (5) or more players. In a 5v5 league, a minimum of three (3) players is required to start and finish a match. In a 6v6 league, a minimum of four (4) players is required to start and finish a match. In a 7v7 or 8v8 league, a minimum of five (5) players is required to start and finish a match. In our 11v11 league, a minimum of eight (8) players is required to start and finish a match.

  • Our default* protocol for female minimums is as follows: In our 5v5 leagues there is a minimum of one (1) female; in our 6v6, 7v7 and 8v8 leagues, a minimum of two (2) females; in 9v9 and 11v11 leagues, a minimum of three (3) women is required at all times. Depending on registrations, this can change on a league-by-league or division by division basis. We also run female-majority leagues. Please refer to the actual league or division detail page when inquiring about coed game play for your league or division.

  • If a team does not have the required amount of female players, they must play down a player. For instance, in a 7v7 league, teams playing with one (1) female will play with six (6) total players and teams playing with no (0) females will play with five (5) total players.

  • During the regular season only*, in leagues with 2+ minimum female requirements, a team without the required amount of female players has a choice to give the opponent 3 goals and replace one female spot with a non-female player. If a team is down more than one female player, they will only be able to leverage the 3 goal penalty once (thus, said team will not have an opportunity to play at full strength). If a team takes a 3 goal penalty and a female player player arrives late that would meet the league minimum requirements, the team must revert to the official format and honor league minimums (however, the 3 goal penalty still stands).*This option is not available during playoffs.

  • If a free agent team assembled by MIA Footy does not have the requisite number of female players on their roster, they will be labeled FAx ("x' signifies exception). In this scenario, the game format featuring an FAx team will reduce the female minimum requirement by one (1) female to protect the free agent experience.

  • The game format reduction will apply ONLY for the first two (2) weeks of the season, allowing 3 weeks for the team to leverage FootyHQ and other resources to recruit more female players. Starting Week 3, the ‘x’ is removed and the team is subject to the official format.

  • FAx Teams with a female minimum reduced to one (1) for their game(s) are not eligible for the exchange of 3-goals for a female replacement.

  • Under no circumstances, may a team field a full strength team with only male players.

  • MIA Footy operates alternative format leagues, like our FLIP leagues, where our gender requirements are different.

    • FLIP leagues are formats that require a greater number of female players on the pitch. Our standard 7v7 FLIP leagues require a minimum of 5 female players on the pitch. Our FLIP 50/50 leagues require a minimum of 3 female players on the pitch in our standard 7v7 format.

  • There is not an off-side rule in MIA Footy for the majority of our leagues (excludes 11v11 leagues).

  • All free kicks (including kick-offs, goal kicks, and corner kicks) are indirect except for penalty kicks.

  • A goal cannot be scored directly from a kickoff, a corner kick, a throw in, a goal kick, or a goal keeper throw. The ball must make contact with another player first (this includes the goalie).

  • A goalkeeper cannot pickup a throw in.

  • Penalty kicks are taken at the top of the penalty box. Keepers may move from side-to-side on the goal line, but not forward on a penalty kick. There is no limit to the amount of steps the offensive player takes prior to kicking the ball during a penalty kick.

  • Opposing teams must give all free kicks seven (7) yards of space immediately or a yellow card may be issued for delay of game.

  • Slide tackling or sliding in a dangerous/reckless manner is prohibited. A goalkeeper may slide to block shots and make saves, but only inside the keeper’s own penalty box. Any slide deemed dangerous/reckless by the referee will be penalized.

  • RULE CHANGE (Winter 2024): Substitutions are unlimited, and may be made on the fly (formerly on dead balls only), so long as the player subbing out is completely out of the field of play before the player subbing in enters AND the subbing team does not receive an advantage from the substitution.

    • Exceptions to the “sub on the fly” rule are made for certain facilities, where subbing on the fly is deemed to be dangerous (e.g. Upper 90 Soccer Center, Chelsea Piers Field House, etc.).

    • Goalkeeper changes can ONLY be made on a dead ball and only after notifying the referee and receiving approval. All keeper changes initiated on the fly may result in a yellow card at the referee’s discretion.

    • All substitutions will be made from the same location for each team throughout the game (sideline or end line) as determined by the referee.

    • Violation of the sub rule (e.g. if a player subbing in enters the field of play before the player subbing out leaves), will result in an indirect free kick to the opposing team, unless an advantage is played (to the opposing team).


  • Yellow and red cards are issued under the same cardable offenses outlined by the USSF:

  • Yellow Card Offenses: Players receiving a yellow card are required to sub off for a minimum of 2 minutes. The offending player’s team can substitute for the offending player. If the offense is deemed particularly egregious, though remaining short of a red card offense, the referee can have a player sit for 5 minutes.

  • Second Yellow Card Offenses: A second yellow card offense requires the player to sit out for the remainder of the match, but may return during their next match. The team can substitute for the offending player and not not need to play down a player (new rule as of fall 2022)

  • Red Card Offenses: Players allotted a red card shall be immediately ejected from the game and must leave the field of play immediately for the remainder of the game.

    • If the ejected player was actively on the field of play at the time of the red card, the ejected player’s team must play the remainder of the game down a player.

    • First Red Card Offense: Player suspension of a minimum of one full game (extended suspensions may result depending on the severity of the offense).

    • Second Red Card Offense: Player is suspended for the remainder of the season and/or beyond (depending on the nature of the red card offenses).

    • Third Red Card Offense (in aggregate): Three red card offenses in aggregate (no matter the number of seasons it took to accumulate 3 red cards) results in permanent suspension from all MIA Footy related programs and activities (after one-full year, expelled players may submit a request to be considered for re-introduction).

  • Upon request by the referee or supervisor, ejected players may be called for a review by the MIA Footy board.

  • Any player who is involved in a fight is subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league, entirely (depending on the severity of the incident).

  • Any player who initiates intentional physical contact upon a referee or a MIA Footy representative shall be given a red-card and suspended from all MIA Footy programs indefinitely.


  • Whenever a red card offense or concerning incident occurs during a game, we ask you to fill out this form for an incident to be formally processed by MIA Footy.

  • To learn more about our incident reporting process, please visit here.


  • Whenever a game is disrupted as a result of facility or equipment malfunction, facility closure, referee delay, referee absence, etc., we ask you to fill out this form for a disruption to be formally processed by MIA Footy.

  • To learn more about our incident reporting process, please visit here.


  • All teams must wear their assigned MIA Footy jersey (goalkeepers are excluded as of now)*. 

  • If a team wishes to wear custom jerseys, they must do so through MIA Footy’s customization process. Email hi@miafooty.com for more information.

  • If a field player does not have the official MIA Footy jersey assigned to them and they decide to take the field, the referee will announce that the opponent will receive one (1) goal for every player that takes the field without their official MIA Footy jersey (no cap on the amount of goals gifted. Goalkeepers are exempt from the jersey rule).

  • Goal Keepers must wear a different color jersey easily identifiable by the referee. Keeper Jerseys may be provided by the MIA Footy.

  • All players must wear real shinguards (cardboard or balled socks, for example, doesn’t count) and high-socks in order to take the field.

  • All players must wear soccer appropriate footwear to play. No metal or steel cleats or spikes are allowed.

  • A #5 game ball will be provided for game play. Teams should bring their own balls for warm up.

  • *A previous season MIA Footy jersey of the same color is acceptable.


  • Depending on the league and league format, all divisions will have anywhere from 18-28 minute halves with up to a five (5) minute break at half time.

  • The game clock will start at the schedule game start time. Thus, it is critical that you take the field in a timely manner to maximize game time.

  • Clock will run continuously and the half and game shall end at the expiration of time.

  • If a game is called due to injury, weather or unexpected circumstances, the game will be considered complete if it has reached the halfway mark or later.


  • Teams have a five minute grace period from the start of kickoff to field the required minimum number of players or the team will forfeit the game. However, there may be some occasions when games are unable to start at the scheduled kickoff. Forfeit time on these occasions will be when the officials call both teams to start the game.

  • Forfeits with advanced notice (3+ hours prior to kickoff) will be treated as a 3-0 loss and a -1 point deduction to the forfeiting team.

  • Forfeits without advanced notice (<3 hours prior to kickoff) will be treated as a 3-0 loss and a -2 point deduction to the forfeiting team.

  • Forfeits resulting from not enough players arriving on-time will be treated as a 3-0 loss and a -2 point deduction to the forfeiting team.

  • Once a team captain announces a forfeit, it is considered final and the team cannot retract the forfeit.

  • Forfeiting games on any two dates in a season disqualifies a team from playoff contention.

  • Multiple forfeits from teams or no-shows from free agent players can result in suspension from future leagues. Those teams or players may not be permitted to register in future seasons.


  • All players must be formally rostered and wear their official MIA Footy jerseys.

  • Captains may request the referee to do a roster check at the beginning of the game. Roster checks will not be allowed after the game has begun.

  • Due to limits on field availability and ensuring our schedules remain on time, there is no overtime in MIA Footy leagues. If the score is tied with 2 minutes left in the game the referee will notify both teams that at the end of regulation, and will initiate penalty kicks.

Penalty Kicks

  • Players will take five penalty kicks, alternating genders (M-F-M-F-M or F-M-F-M-F).

  • If tied after the first five PKs then it goes one-on-one, alternating genders, until there is a winner.

  • Players go in order and then repeat in order. For example, if a team has three female players and five male players, the female players will begin repeating before all male players have gone (or vice versa).

  • The ball is placed on the top of the box and players can take as many steps toward the ball as they want.

    • The keeper can move from side-to-side on the goal line, but cannot move forward until the ball is kicked.

    • All other players must be outside the box and behind the kicker and remain still.

  • Players must be silent while the kick is taking place.



Schedules will be posted prior to the beginning of the season.

  • Games are played rain or shine.

  • Games will only be canceled due to hazardous weather conditions (extreme temperatures, lightning, severe thunderstorm warning, tornado warning, hurricanes, field covered in a sheet of ice, etc.) or hazardous or severely limiting field conditions (e.g. field lights are not functioning or the majority of the field is covered in a sheet of ice).

  • MIA Footy will communicate via the captain’s chat and/or via an email notifying the league of postponement or cancelation.

  • Note, we do not cancel games based solely on weather forecasts. Unfortunately, weather forecasts (e.g. scattered thunderstorms) do not provide accurate enough data, by location, to inform cancelations. Thus, we instruct our referees to conduct a “delay-and-play’ protocol. This means that if games are on and thunderstorms subsequently enter the area, the game will be paused and players will seek cover. If after 15 minutes, the thunderstorms continue, the game will be called. Otherwise, the players will retake the field.

  • If a game has completed at least one full half and is subsequently abandoned due to player injury, safety reasons, or otherwise, the game is considered “complete” and the recorded outcome will be the scoreline at the time the game is abandoned. If a game is abandoned in the first half, the league will attempt to schedule a re-match. If the league is unable to reschedule the game, the scoreline will be recorded as a 0-0 tie.

  • If games are delayed as a result of weather or administrative failures, then the active game affected by the delay will be played in full and subsequent games will have delayed kickoff times (captains will be notified of the delay in the captain’s chat). If there is not enough time to complete all games, then the last scheduled game will be postponed and subsequently rescheduled.

  • Please note, that due to limits on the number of available weeks on a permit, it can be extremely difficult to successfully makeup canceled games. Therefore, we cannot guarantee all canceled games will be rescheduled, but we promise to do our very best to try and reschedule games. Players should be prepared for the possibility of playing rescheduled games at different fields, days or times in order to successfully make up the canceled games.

  • If a team must forfeit a game that is rescheduled on a different day of the week and/or at a different field, the forfeit will be confirmed, but no point deduction will take place.

  • If a reschedule date is not made available to teams, then the game will be canceled from the schedule entirely. Depending on the nature of the disruption (e.g. act of God, administrative failure, etc.) compensation may be provided to teams in the form of credits or discount codes.

  • Note, similar to all soccer leagues amateur and professional, if a reschedule date is scheduled, even if at a different time and/or location, teams are expected to attend the match.

  • Teams offered reschedule dates are not eligible for credits or refunds.

  • For more information about our weather protocol, visit here.


League points will be appointed as follows:

  • Win = 3 points

  • Draw = 1 point

  • Loss = 0 points

  • Forfeit = -1 or -2 points.

The majority of MIA Footy leagues will be decided by a playoff. The number of teams that qualify for the playoffs depends on a combination of factors, primarily the number of teams in the division. For instance, divisions of 5-6 teams have a Top 3 default, divisions of 7-10 teams have a Top 4 default. Exceptions are typically made as a result of permit availability.


In the event of a tie, the following tie breakers will be used:

  1. League goal differential.

  2. League total goals scored

  3. League Points in head to head competition in games between tied teams

  4. Goal differential in head to head competition in games between tied teams

  5. Goals Scored in head to head competition in games between tied teams

  6. Coin flip – in the event that tie breaker reaches a coin flip, contending teams will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of coin flip time and location. Teams can send a representative witness to coin flip.


  • MIA Footy collects dues on a team (captain) or individual (e.g. free agent) basis.

  • Captains are responsible for the entire team fee (MIA Footy does not collect full team fees from individual team players).

  • MIA Footy allows captains to make a $250 deposit to secure a spot. Dues must be paid in full prior to the start of a season.

    • If full payment is not completed one week prior to scheduled kickoff, the team will be removed and the deposit will be forfeited.

    • If your spot is forfeited less than 2 weeks before kickoff or after the schedule is published, whichever comes first, the deposit will be forfeited.

    • If leagues continue to accept registration after the season starts, then accepted registrations must complete payment in full at the time of registration. Exceptions may be granted for corporate leagues that require invoices to submit payment.

  • If a team captain needs MIA Footy to provide additional players, MIA Footy will help find free agent individual players. If successful, MIA Footy will credit the captain 50% the fee paid by the free agent to MIA Footy or the individual team player fee, whichever is lower (updated 2024).

  • Leagues are priced into categories or pricing “tiers” based on a range of factors, including:

    • Demand

    • Location

    • Days & Times

    • Field Conditions

For refunds and credits, please visit our refund and credit policy.


  • MIA Footy operates on an honor system, including honoring the skill level of play across MIA Footy leagues, which are governed by our “P” system. This means if advanced players register for a beginner league, this is a breach of our code of conduct. Moreover, if a full team registers for an in appropriate skill division (e.g. A P2 level team registering for a P4 division), as reported to us by league officials, that team will forfeit their playoff spot to another team.

  • MIA Footy will continue to work hard training referees to enforce all MIA Footy rules. However, in the event a team is playing without the appropriate equipment or gender requirements and the referee has not announced the violation, the opponent should notify the referee within the first 10 minutes of the game. If a game reaches a conclusion without MIA Footy rules having been enforced and teams notified if goal advantages were given (e.g. for not wearing the appropriate MIA Footy jersey), the scoreline will stand. If MIA Footy is notified of the violation after the fact, MIA Footy will use this information to address the referee, but will not retroactively adjust the scoreline.

  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on any field. We will be hosting off-field events with drink specials at neighboring bars. Please reserve your drinking to the bars, not the field.

  • Illegal drugs are not permitted at all MIA Footy sanctioned event.

  • Clean up after yourselves! Please help keep our MIA parks clean. Don’t leave empty water bottles, trash, or other items behind. Teams leaving messes will receive a warning on first offense followed by a loss of league points for future offenses.

  • MIA Footy is a fun adult recreational league for all to enjoy. Please help us keep a fair and positive vibe on and off the field.

  • Note: Certain league rules may be suspended on an as needed basis (e.g. if a major event may signify team quotas are difficult to fulfill) and will be communicated in advance to any/all leagues impacted.