MIA Footy Incident Report

How It Works


Where to report an incident:

Major injuries, red-card discipline incidents, or behavior/actions/activities of significant concern must be reported using this form.

What is categorized as an incident? 

  • Medical issues that require an ER or Urgent Care visit (i.e. disclocations, major ligament injuries, fractures, visible bleeding, etc.)

  • RED CARD cations issued to a player or players

  • Behavior in violation of our TED LASSO Code of Conduct, on or off the field

  • Safety concerns related to a particular field or facility

For an incident to be formally processed by MIA Footy, we need three testimonials: one from an MIA Footy official, and one from each team. We encourage witnesses to submit their reports as well, if they believe this information would be a helpful addition to provide context for the case. 

  1. Incident report is received.

  2. MIA Footy reviews the information provided, reaches out to request additional information if needed (referees, players and bystanders).

  3. MIA Footy issues disciplinary action within 1 week of incident report submission. If additional time is required, this will be communicated to all parties.

  4. If disciplinary action is taken, it will be delivered using the following strike system:

  • First offense: One or multiple game suspension
    Red card on the field. If an offense is considered more severe than just a red card, it may warrant a multiple game suspension or expulsion.

  • Second offense: Season suspension
    (Note: If two red cards are awarded in the same season, player will be suspended for the remainder of the season)

  • Third offense: League suspension
    Suspension from all MIA Footy activities, including tournaments and our partner, BetterPlayer, practices. This person is not a good culture fit for the league and will be removed indefinitely or permanently.

    NOTE: MIA Footy reserves the right to administer any of the strikes depending on the nature of the incident, disregarding the number of offenses. Players involved in disciplinary action waive their right to refunds and credits.